Call for Papers - 15th Beyond Humanism Conference : "Posthuman Art, Creativity and Play in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", June 24-27, 2025 - University of Paris 8, France
Posthuman Art, Creativity, and Play in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Creativity and play are philosophical and cultural categories that go beyond mere activity. They are spaces for experimentation, relationality, and transformation. Art is a dynamic mode of engagement that embodies the tensions between freedom and constraint, spontaneity and system. It is rooted in structures of rules and improvisation. In the era of algorithms, the philosophy of play demands reconsideration, particularly in its intersection with post-, trans, and metahuman creativity. This interplay demands our reflection on the evolving relationships between human and non-human agencies, the aesthetics of co-creation, and the ethics of imaginative practice.
The papers should address the general theme of the conference. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to :
- Refining posthuman discourses : Critical, Cultural, Existential, European, Philosophical, Radical, and Speculative Posthumanism.
- Refining transhuman discourses : Classic, silicon-based, carbon-based Transhumanism, and Euro-Transhumanism.
- Post-, trans-, and metahuman foundations of play.
- Generative algorithms and post-, trans-, and metahuman methodologies.
- Ethics and creative agency.
- Critical Posthumanist and Transhumanist Ethics of Play and Experimentation.
- Gaming Ethics and Posthuman Agency.
- Politics of play : technology, autonomy, and control.
- Redefining identity and agency through play.
- Virtual and augmented realities : new dimensions of play and identity.
- Games as Art and Activism.
- Human and non-human creative collaboration.
- Generative AI systems as artistic tools.
- Technological singularity and creativity.
- Performative arts and generative AI.
- Non-human aesthetics.
- Literary depictions of creative automata.
- Existing and Developing Art Forms and Politics.
- Emotions and algorithms in political and social contexts.
Abstracts will be reviewed upon receipt.
Deadline for submission : February 28, 2025.
Final notifications will be issued by March 31, 2025.
Deadline for early bird registration : April 30, 2025.
International Scientific Committee
Prof. Arnaud Regnauld, University of Paris 8, France
Prof. Evi Sampanikou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Prof. Sangkyu Shin, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Prof. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy
Jan Stasieńko., AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland
Local organization and scientific committee – University of Paris 8
Arnaud Regnauld TransCrit
Gwen Le Cor
Georges Gagnéré AIAC-InReV
Cédric Plessiet
Rémi Sohier
Tania Ruiz AIAC-Teamed
Alexandra Saemmer CEMTI
Pierre Cassou-Noguès LLCP
Anne Alombert
Everardo Reyes - Paragraphe
More info and submission guidelines :